Royal Penguin Boutique Hotel & Spa in social work

Our work is going to fill a large part of our life, and the only way to be truly satisfied with what we are doing is to believe it's a great work.

We Royal Penguin Boutique Hotel & Spa believe not only in doing the commercial business deals but also involved with the social works of our community to integrate greater levels of social responsibility and sustainability into our operations.

Childhood should be a happy time, filled with memories of warmth, love, and carefree times. Unfortunately, not every child is blessed with loving parents and stable home lives. Some children are forced to cope with upheaval and problems at home, such as abuse, neglect, and poverty.

We’re not in it for the income. We’re in it for the outcome. Support each other and learn on one another - says Tashi Gurung Manang

Ms Mingma Yangji Sherpa attended these 2 children: Bindu (disabled), 10-year-old and Ayush (blind), 5-year-old; with them Mr Kancha Gurung, President from Tri-Netra Foundation.

Our Awards

TripAdvisor Award 2017
TripAdvisor Award 2017
Agoda Golden Circle Award 2017
Expedia.com Guest Rated Award 2018

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Kid's light

Price: IDR 7,609,394
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Price: IDR 38,128,440

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